The Art Of Negotiating

This is definitely what we don’t want to occur to our business. Negotiation is a natural part in our daily life but in business, it is essentially important to any firm.
It is no use keeping on putting off a competition on the negotiating table. Here, we – an enterprise, must win, here, we can’t compromise if we are good entrepreneurs!
The key of a good negotiator is the preparatory works, clear-sighted strategies, WIN – WIN approach and a happy ending. What critically matters is the art of intergrating flexible skils and methods.
PTI experts will briefly define the art of negotiating in the training course on “The art of negotiating” as follows:
“A good negotiator is the one who feels free to bring his values and his company’s values into full play and find ways to sell the most distinguished one in the aggregate of values of his and his company’s possession”

Đối tượng tham gia

  • Enterprise leaders and managers;
  • Sectoral directors, Chiefs/Vice Chiefs of units and divisions;
  • Those who wish to be acquainted with this soft skill.

Mục tiêu chương trình :

  1. Prepare for a successful negotiation
  2. Key strategies on the negotiating table
  3. Commonly raised questions by your partner
  4. Remove all obstacles to reach the final agreement
  5. Negotiator’s common mistakes





Prepare for a successful negitation

(Examining the people, culture, objectives and methods of changing and settling the problem,  collecting the standards and criteria relating to the fairness, changing the negotiating agenda & turning the tables)

  • Successful negotiation
  • Negotiation with a focus on Win – win
  • When to terminate the negotiation. Deep and clear understanding the partner and the subject matter
  • Information collecting methods – preparation for the negotiation.


Key strategies on the negotiating table

(Taking your partner to the negotiating table, fierce negotiation – real-life experience, the incorporated negotiating art, arranging strategy, continuous adjustments...)

  • Strategy for the negotiations with equal winning-losing possibilities.
  • Benefit charting
    • Questioning & listening skills, strategic responding skills.
    • Strategies for incorporated negotiation.


Commonly raised questions by your partner

(When to increase and decrease price – When to maintain price, price negotiating & contract finalising, commonly made mistakes in negotiations)

  • Knowing how to answer all kinds of questions. Nature of Closing - Opening – Leading questions.
  • The art of listening
  • Maintaining comfortable atmosphere and controlling emotions.
  • Value-based negotation


Remove all obstacles to reach the final agreement

(Resolving differences in culture, gender, obstacles in communication, communicating “tactics“ in negotiations, standard and professional dialogues)

  • Psychological structure and effects of Vietnamese people
  • Dealing with obstacles and structures
  • Difference-based commitment building – If - then negotiating…
  • 3P professional communication.


Negotiator’s common mistakes

(Emotion management by EQ + CQ+PQ formula, restraining and encouraging partner …)

  • Don’t be over-selfconfident, maintain emotions for smart negotiation.
  • Procedure building & mainstays for a successful negotiation.
  • Avoid mistaken perception & and ways to creative thinking.
Khóa học THỜI LƯỢNG NGÀY KHAI GIẢNG THỨ Thời gian Địa điểm học
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