CPTPP - Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership was officially signed in Chile on March 9, 2018 in place of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). This is a special event which attracts lots of domestic and international corporations as well as business organizations. The TPP and CPTPP open up lots of opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Expert Truong Dinh Tuyen speaks about the challenges & opportunities for Vietnamese enterprises in CPTPP.
On July 9, 2018, PTI Education Training Group collaborated with the PEC Entrepreneur Community to organize a small talk "Challenges & Opportunities for Vietnamese Enterprises in TPP, CPTPP" with the attendance of trainees from 2 classes CEOTD 21 and CEOTD 22. The program objective is giving trainees the overall picture of TPP, CPTPP, the opportunities and challenges of Vietnamese enterprises in CPTPP agreement, and to provide guidance for enterprises to grasp opportunities and overcome challenges.
The program was attended by expert Truong Dinh Tuyen - Former Minister of Trade, Chief of the Government Negotiations on International Economics and Trade and the presence of more than 50 trainees of CEOTD 21 and CEOTD 22.
Expert Truong Dinh Tuyen in Small Talk “Challenges & Opportunities for Vietnamese Enterprises in TPP, CPTPP”
Small Talk was divided in 2 sessions:
Session 1 - Speech, sharing of expert Truong Dinh Tuyen. In session 1, expert gave the trainees an overall picture of the new trends taking place in the world, helped them to understand and then grasp those trends as well as opportunities and challenges that Vietnamese enterprises will encounter when the CPTPP officially comes into force. In addition, expert Truong Dinh Tuyen also shared the orientation, the specific advices to help trainees have new mindset, timely seize the opportunity, overcome challenges in the business process.
Session 2: Trainees entered the discussion, exchanged and had Q&A directly to expert Truong Dinh Tuyen. Lots of trainees gave out identified specific situations related to SMEs, how to help SMEs be confident and compete with foreign enterprises. Experts have made very practical and useful sharing which is necessary for Vietnamese enterprises like focusing on developing the product which is our strength, exploiting effectively and innovating actively and effectively technologies and corporate governance as well as human resource management.
Trainees of CEOTD classes joining the program
We, PTI Education Training Group, are thankful for the dedication of expert Truong Dinh Tuyen as well as CEOTD 21 & CEOTD 22 for joining lots of training programs of PTI.
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