Financial Statement Analysis

Not everyone can understand the field of data in the Financial Report, and also not everyone is able to "extract" the financial decisions wisely and accurately from that data. What makes the difference is the ability to analyze Financial Reports.
The cold, boring numbers in the Financial Reports are the "companion" of the accountants, chief accountants, CFOs, CEOs as well as the investors. However, it is not easy and not everyone can fully understand the important data, so that they can counsel their supervisors or make their own reliable investment decisions, including those who graduated from college of finance and accounting or who have been rolling in the field of financial investment for many years.

Financial Report Analysis is the art of translating data, including the analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements into useful information, and basis for making financial decisions. This art requires not only a certain amount of knowledge, understanding on finance- accounting, business administration but also very specific systematic and logical skills. Especially, in the context of our country's economy integrating deeply into global economic life, to "swim" in an ocean full with challenges,  fluctuation and instability of crisis and post crisis economy, this knowledge and skill must be updated, reinforced and more increasingly enhanced than ever.
In that context, PTI Education Training researched, designed and implemented the training program "Financial Statement Analysis". This unique program will help learners understand the role of analysing financial report  as well as master the latest and most popular techniques of financial analysis such as score analysis, trend analysis, structural analysis and index analysis

Đối tượng tham gia

  • Management level (The chairman board, The , General Managers, Managers)
  • Financial-Accounting Managers ; General Accountant ,Accounting Analyst , Financial analyst, investment analyst of enterprise and individuals who want to get to know “the art of data translation”.

Mục tiêu chương trình :

After the course you can:

  1. Understand the important role of Financial report analysis;
  2. Know how to analyse accounting data into useful financial information;
  3. Know how to present important financial index as orientation basis for making financial decisions

I - Corporate financial Management

1.Finance and financial goals of enterprise

2. Corporate financial management.

  • Financial Plan;
  • Financial Control;
  • Financial decision;

3. Cost of funds

  • Cost of funds; Risk  and cost of funds;
  • Structural funds; interest rate of loan;
  • Cost of equity; Retained earnings.

4. Investment

  • Investment and the cost of capital formation ; Cost of revenue;
  • Working capital management;
  • Capital investment management  in long-term assets;
  • The structure of capital mobilization; Funding; Funding policy;

5. Debt and financial risk

  • Debt and financial risks;
  • Impact of leverage.

6. Mobilized capital

  • Capital-contributing members; Issuance of shares; Retained earnings
  • Business credit ; Bank / bond loans; Financial leases.

II - Financial statement analysis

  1. Structural analysis
  2. Analysis of financial ratios and general principles in analysis
  3. Profitability analysis
  4. Analysis Model Dupont & extended Dupont
  5. Profitability ratios
  6. Combine the analysis of different ratios
  7. Financial risk
  8. Debt ratio
  9. Ratio related to working capital items
  10. Over-investment in working capital and overtrading
  11. Ratios in Stock market

Other information from the accounting report of the enterprise

Expert - Senior lecturer
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