Comprehensive CEO

In a rapidly changing business development, managers have to face continually  lots of challenges in order to meet the demand of worldwide market which asks them to make the decisions and give  strategies at once. Highly competitive market and time pressure require leaders to give assertive and proper decisions. Individuals who may forecast the market mechanism and catch the right business opportunities  in the internationalised trend will be more successful and have a specific path to become a global CEO.


This program is specially designed to solve CEO shortage in human resource market. The Comprehensive CEO aimed at enhancing  leader’s capacity of forecasting the market and improve their creative ability. Participants will learn fundamental knowledge and have opportunities to discuss and give solutions to challenges of domestic and international competitive market. Especially, the program is attended by economic experts, former members of Research Committee of Prime Minister.


The Comprehensive CEO targets senior leaders of domestic and foreign enterprises which develop as parent-subsidiary companies or economic groups. This course is also a special training program at PTI. (must not copied and trained by other organizations in Vietnam.)

Đối tượng tham gia

  • Leaders of enterprises (Board members, Consulting board, General Manager, Manager);
  • Leaders of multinational companies, economic groups, parent-subsidiary company.
  • Or the ones who want to develop their enterprises as parent-subsidiary companies or economic companies.

Điều kiện tham dự:

Applicants must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Must be 30 years of age or older.
  • Used to join training programs for CEO or  MBA.
  • Have at least 5 years of experience in managing and operating enterprises.  Enterprises employ more than 200 people and have authorized capital from 1.000.000 USD. This is not applied for SME , micro SME and newly established companies.


Mục tiêu chương trình :

After this course, you will:

  • Understand overview of Vietnam’s economy.
  • Understand global enterprises and global business.
  • Understand the model of enterprise development of economic group.
  • Help your enterprises develop sustainably.
No SUBJECT Duration
Session Credit units
1 Approach the Buddhist perspective on business management 01 04
2 Develop comprehensive capacity for manager 01 04
3 Outlook on life for manager 01 04
4 Communication and diplomatic ritual for entrepreneur 01 04
5 Approach internationalization in human resource management 04 16
6 Public relation and social interaction management 02 08
7 Restructure enterprise and promote integration 02 08
8 Case study on international marketing-applied lessons 02 08
9 Leaders in open world 02 08
10 Finance for manager 04 16
11 M&A - Mergers and Acquisitions. 02 08
12 Production management 04 16
13 Manage development strategy of company 02 08
14 The art of negotiation for entrepreneur 02 08
15 The industrial revolution 4.0- apply in Enterprise 02 08
16 Challenges and opportunities for Vietnamese enterprises in post WTO-era 01 04
17 Develop advantages of Vietnamese enterprises in the global economy 01 04
18 Vietnamese Enterprise Strategy for ASEAN market 01 04
19 Certificate Graduation Ceremony 01 04
  Total 36 144
Khóa học THỜI LƯỢNG NGÀY KHAI GIẢNG NGÀY/THỨ Thời gian Địa điểm học
Chairman of the Lecturer Board
Expert - Senior lecturer
Vice Chairman of the Lecturer Board, Director of Training and Programs if PTI Business School
Expert - Lecturer
Expert - Lecturer
Expert - Lecturer
Expert - Lecturer
Đánh giá khoá học
Chọn đánh giá của bạn  
  Not Rated

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