CHRO - Professional Chief Human Resources Officer

It is perceived that Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO)  just carry out the Board’s orders, or the CHRO is just a nuisance interfering with other departments. In the three legs of an organizational system, in addition to capital, strategy - HR is one of the main resources. How should the role of a CHRO should  be standardized?”
At level 1, HR is merely handling administrative affairs: scheduling, timekeeping, small dispute resolution.

At Level 2, Human Resources is specialized. Human Resources is involved in making training plans, contributing to the promotion and dismissal. However, those tasks depend on the views and strategies of the Board.
At level 3, the HR department plays a strategic role where CHRO  is considered as the Board’s partner. CHRO is a consultant outlining the company's human resources development strategy as ordered by the Board of directors. They operate independently and equally with the Board of directors.
CHRO: A psychologist - is a listener who understands the opinions of other departments. When knowing their aspirations, CHROs need to communicate clearly the company's goals, mission and strategy to the whole system.

CHRO: A Effective communicator - do not impose regulations, do communicate clear messages from the Board so that members are happy to enforce them.

Human Resource Manager: A strategic planner who is capable of working with the Board of directors to develop a human resources strategy. Even the CHRO can predict the development trend of human resources and plan to respond.
PTI's experts have researched, designed and compiled :
The training program "CHRO - Professional Chief Human Resources Officer" with the desire to have strong human resources and effective human resource policies. This will definitely help our Enterprises grow at a new level.

Đối tượng tham gia

  • Business leaders, who are currently CHROs, heads of human resources departments, heads of administrative departments of domestic and national companies, who look forward to equipping themselves with knowledge and skills on human resources and human resources management to become a professional Chief Human Resources Officer;

  • Those who are the HR professionals or administrative professionals of enterprises who wish to  become CHRO of domestic and foreign companies in the future.

Mục tiêu chương trình :

After this course, you will :

  • Understand the change in the role and status of a Human Resources Director and new trends in human resources management in Vietnam and in the world;
  • Understand the core thinking and knowledge that a CHRO in today's world needs such as: organization and operation of human resources; Strategic planning for human resources development; Human resources training strategy; The process of recruitment, addition, termination; Understanding of current labor laws; Develop and implement a system of policies and regimes; and all other areas related to human resources of the company.
No SUBJECT Duration
Session Credit units
01 Portrait of CHRO 02 08
02 HR department organization 02 08
03 Human resource strategy 04 16
04 Recruitment & Appointment 02 08
05 Human resource assessment 04 16
06 Training & Development 02 08
07 Company culture 02 08
08 Salary & Remuneration 04 16
09 Labor law 02 08
10 Seminar & Workshop 01 04
11 Economics & Business Workshop 02 08
12 "Graduation Certificate" Ceremony 01 04
  Total 28 112
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