CFO - Professional Chief Financial Officer

In recent years, the role of Chief Financial Officers (CFO) in businesses around the world has evol ved from a traditional accounting and financial control function to an important companion of the CEO. In fact, many successful CFOs later became CEOs.
Currently, the CFO is tasked with the important task of formulating and supporting the organization's business strategy. The CFO will be deeply involved in the planning of financial policies and strategies and at the same time, develop a nancial plan for the business's operations. At the time of the current economic crisis and recession, with financial difficulties in both the macro-economic environment and within the enterprise, the CFO has a decisive role in the strategy of cash flow control, risk management and step-by-step support for businesses to overcome the crisis. It can be said that the work of a new-era CFO is both multifaceted and challenging, but it is also worth doing and dedicating.
To meet the increasingly stringent requirements of managing the financial structure and monitoring the financial performance of the modern CFO, PTI Education Training Group has developed the training program “CFO - Professional Chief Financial Officer” based on in-depth academic research and practical experience.
The program provides a favorable platform to help learners acquire a large amount of specialized knowledge and skills needed by the CFO and at the same time, learners can directly discuss with experts and classmates about many relevant contemporary issues related to the topic of corporate finance.

Đối tượng tham gia

  • CFO from enterprises;
  • Leaders of enterprises (Chairman, Consulting Committee, General Manager Board, Manager Board);
  • Senior accountant, general accountant, accounting expert, nancial expert, expert of investment analysis who wish to soon become a CFO.
  • Who wish to become a professional CFO in the future.

Mục tiêu chương trình :

After the course, you will:

  • Know how to achieve your career ambition, become a professional CFO in the future.
  • Get the core mindsets and knowledge necessary for a CFO.
  • Understand the roles, functions, duties and powers of a CFO in the enterprise.
  • Improve professional skills.
  • Full condence, qualications and bravery to be able to work for multinationalcorporations.
No SUBJECT Duration
Session Credit units
01 Portrait of a professional CFO 02 08
02 Corporate financial organization 01 04
03 Corporate financial analysis and strategy 03 12
04 Corporate leverage system 02 08
05 Time management of money 01 04
06 Capital investment decisions 03 12
07 Profit distribution and dividend policy 02 08
08 Financial planning 02 08
09 Corporate Accounting 04 16
10 Tax & tax policies 02 08
11 Team management 02 08
12 Seminar & Workshop 01 04
13 Economics & Business Workshop 02 08
14 "Graduation Certificate" Ceremony 01 04
  Total 28 112
Khóa học THỜI LƯỢNG NGÀY KHAI GIẢNG NGÀY/THỨ Thời gian Địa điểm học
Chairman of the Lecturer Board
Expert - Senior lecturer
Expert - Lecturer
Đánh giá khoá học
Chọn đánh giá của bạn  
  Not Rated

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